Services Descriptions

Child Safety First Services

Supervised Child/Parent Contact

Supervised contact guarantees that parent/child interactions are properly supervised and recorded. The contact occurs in a location agreed upon by both parties, ensuring safety and the absence of negative behaviors, overseen by a qualified, trauma-informed supervisor. Supervised child exchanges are also available. (Drug screening prior to visitation can be arranged; this incurs an additional fee.)

Parent Education Classes

Two Parents Two Homes, Virginia Court approved course. (see Parent Education Page for details)

Basic Budgeting Skill Buidling

Improperly managed finances can exert significant stress on a family. Often, this is due to a lack of knowledge and education. Budgeting education can help families establish a budget that fits within their means. A Personalized Individual Budgeting Consultation will be conducted, during which goals will be established, and a budgeting app will be set up to ensure consistent tracking. Monthly financial reviews will identify unnecessary expenditures and suggest ways to reallocate funds, such as canceling payments for unused subscriptions. Additionally, a search for unclaimed funds that the family may be entitled to will be performed. When necessary, access to community resources like food banks and United Way will be explored.


Organizational Skill Development

Disorganization can pose a safety risk and is known to cause significant stress for the entire family, potentially having a lasting negative impact on children. Often, this is due to a lack of knowledge or feeling overwhelmed. In the consultation, a strategy and a schedule of tasks will be established to help the family develop organizational skills. (Note: Bins and organizational materials are not included. The family will implement the strategy.) Follow-up appointments can be scheduled as needed at a reduced rate.

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